The Rift™ tells the tale of three ordinary humans who, like us, go through the same motions of everyday life. These three strangers are forced together to confront things that they neither believe nor understand. The Rift™ is a book that delivers characters that you will care about, thoughtful dialogue, a sense of mystery and wonderment.
Writer: Andrew LoVuolo (Marshal, T.H.U.N.D.E.R.agents)
Pencils: Richard Connelly
Inks: Andrew LoVuolo
Colors: Danimation (Spider-Man)
Letters: LithiumPro (Transformers, Star Trek)
The Rift #1 Wrap-Around Cover
P: Brennan Rudd; I: Jack Purcell; C: Dynomokid
1st Issue! Synopsis: In this debut issue of our 6-issue series you get the genesis of events that will unfold into an epic between this issue and the last in this story arc. Jump on board the story and get to know our four main human characters that are soon to be caught in the crossfire of a battle spanning from the planet Kudar™ to Earth and the spaces in between. Cover inks by Jack Purcell (52, Countdown, Batgirl, Gotham Underground). This book is the first of only two creator-owned series produced by Dabel Brothers Productions under the name Roaring Studios.
This issue also features the first ever comic book character designs of George R. R. Martin's Hedge Knight by artist Mike Miller. Highly collectible and under 200 copies remain in this First Printing.
Price: $2.99 + ($5 S&H)