The Rift™ tells the tale of three ordinary humans who, like us, go through the same motions of everyday life. These three strangers are forced together to confront things that they neither believe nor understand. The Rift™ is a book that delivers characters that you will care about, thoughtful dialogue, a sense of mystery and wonderment.
Writer: Andrew LoVuolo (Marshal, T.H.U.N.D.E.R.agents)
Pencils: Robert Atkins (Snake Eyes vs. Storm Shadow, G.I. JOE)
Inks: Jamie Snell
Colors: 'M3th' (The Punisher)
Letters: LithiumPro (Transformers, Star Trek)
Robert Atkins' Comics Debut! Costume Change Issue!
Synopsis: The story of three humans caught in a fantastical battle between the forces of good and evil continues! The Vampire army prepares for attack on U.S. soil. Meanwhile the stranger from the MBTA subway in Boston follows an unsuspecting Julie Ryan™ home. Will he finally reveal himself? Who are the men in black that drop in on our shape-shifting alien Silo’Ett™ and his newfound allies? Tune in and find out!
Price: $2.99 + ($5 S&H)